Physical Activity Projects

Seated Exercise
Crown Routes runs a fun and friendly chair-based exercise session at Acorn Court on Thursday mornings, 10.00am-11.00am. Good for mind, body and soul, this session involves easy movement to music, is great for coordination, and is a lovely start to the day. Based on a national initiative set up with Think Active. Everyone welcome.

Walking for Health
Crown Routes are partners with Walking for Health, an initiative led by the Ramblers. We support weekly Health Walks with Clarendon Park Walkers, run by the North Leamington Social Prescribing Link Worker. The walks are led by trained Walk Leaders, last around an hour, and usually end up with a well-earned cup of tea.
Meet at Clarendon Lodge GP Practice, 16 Clarendon Street, Leamington Spa CV32 5SS on Thursday mornings at 10.50am, to register and set off at 11.00am.